Lux Pascal stuns on magazine cover and celebrates year since transition

Lux Pascal stuns on magazine cover and celebrates year since transition

It’s been a year since we were introduced LuxPascal. The actress, model and trans activist went public with her transition in Ya Revista, a weekly magazine published by El Mercurio, Chile’s national newspaper. The magazine again featured Lux ​​to celebrate a year of public transition for the actress.

Lux Pascal looks stunning in the photos and her interview is an intimate look at her transition. The actress, known for her roles in Los 80 there The Jauríaspoke about her transition and what has happened in the past year since she publicly lived her truth.

She used an analogy to her favorite card game as a child, Myth and Legends. She talked about what it’s like to be forced to play with a deck of cards assembled by someone else. It wasn’t until she started playing with her own cards that she felt like she was finally authentic and better herself.

“Finally,” Lux recalls, “I dared to participate in this game with my cards, as the person that I am.”

Pedro Pascal was a proud brother when Lux first came out as transgender and he’s a proud brother now. Calling his sister a “cover girl,” Pedro shared an Instagram post with the Ya Revista cover like he did when she came out.

Fans flooded the comments section with her message of praise and love for Lux. The actress responded in the comments, saying, “I love you.”

Felicidades, Lux. Your bravery is so important in this world.

Amanda P. Whitten